As you know, over the holidays I co-wrote a book, Awakening Unity with Horse, with a Spirit Horse named Jasper about Horse's role in helping to heal humanity and support them towards the next stage of our current Consciousness Shift.
Last night, I tuned into the Spirit Horse Herd, and like many previous nights, they shared with me a vision, that I now wish to share with you.
They've shown it to me so many times, that all I can presume is that they want YOU to join with me in holding this beautiful vision of Unity, as it will help promote healing worldwide!
It looks like this:
Imagine seeing a globe of the world, all blue and green.
From every location on earth, horses and humans step forward to take their rightful place in the Circle of Enlightenment.
See a circle taking shape that encircles the entire globe. Side by side, the horses stand next to the person- each member the Next Link in our Healing Whole.
Horse, human, horse, human- with the human's arms reaching wide open to touch a horse's back on each side, connecting all members of this circle with enormous heart energy.
Every Horse and Human who comes forth has been called to become a part of this Healing Mission of Service to Humanity.
Have you heard your call yet? More and more are remembering their original plan to assist in this momentous occasion.
As the circle is completed, it is clear that there is a column of light flowing down into each member of the circle, horse & human. This Light is carrying the healing codes, helping us make the leap to Higher Consciousness.
And each member of the Circle is holding space for this healing vibration.
As they do, it connects with all other members in the circle, creating a vast, interconnecting web of light encasing the globe in a beautiful sparkling web of enlightenment.
This is the vision of Enlightenment that Horse and Human have come here to partner and co-create.
Please join me in taking a moment each day to hold this vision, in your heart.
See it, then FEEL it, starting from your heart.
Allow it to gather it's force there until it wishes to burst forth from your heart, to be sent out from you, to the world.
See yourself connecting to the whole web, brightening the light. Knowing that your light adds to the whole.
As often as you can, do this visualization in the presence of your Horse, who will add his Light to the circle. Or if you cannot be together, invite her to join you in Spirit and she will.
Every time we take a moment to feel this as Truth, we are strengthening it as our Reality, until at last we'll reach the tipping point, where all of our brothers and sisters will join us in a transformation of Love.
I'll see you there!
PS. A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who took a moment to vote for Unity with Horse over at the Next Top Spiritual Author Contest. Today is the last day to vote in the first round. I'll let you know soon, if we made it to the next round!
Here's the link to vote!
Vote for Unity with Horse
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