Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Join in the Magical Full Moon Healing with Horses!

Under the light of the August full moon, emboldened by the sparkling Perseid Meteor shower, join with the Herd on a sacred journey to embody your Magnificence!

Aug 13th 2011, Littleton, CO, 6-9 pm,
$20 includes dinner
A part of the Heart of Horse Festival!

Long, long ago, Horses agreed to uplift humanity, to remind you of Who You Really Are. Their deepest desire is to spark in you an ancient remembrance of your Unity with all that is.

The time has come to remember this Truth and horses wish to be your guide forward to the next stage of consciousness- the Divine Human!

And yet, there is fear…fear of failure. So many times before we have failed to reach our hoped for destination- where body & soul combine into one beautiful essence on the earthly plane.

And so we hold back from our Greatness…for fear of what would happen if we, once more, try to shine our Light fully.

Yet, NOW is the time to dissolve this fear that holds us back from reaching our true potential as Souls living in Human bodies. Now is the time to release what no longer serves so we may reach toward our destiny as Divine Humans!

And riding the energies of our dear friend, Horse, united together under the moon-filled sky, to the sacred sounds of drumming and hoofbeats, we shall go on a mystical journey to reclaim our Wholeness.

- You’ll discover which aspect of the Divine Masculine- your pure power to create- wishes to return to you.

- You’ll be embraced by a portion of your inner Divine Feminine who wants to join with you to manifest your heart’s desires.

- And you’ll connect with a facet of your Divine Child who eagerly wishes to power your creations with awe, wonder, and imagination.

Once returned from your journey of self discovery, you’ll embark on a voyage to embody your new gifts in the comfort of community.

By integrating your new energies into your body, through group ritual, movement, and sound, you’ll anchor your gifts into your own essence, leaving with a richly felt empowerment to more fully create your heart’s desires.

For when you live fearlessly from your heart, you touch everyone in your path, inspiring them to make bold, heart-ful choices. And that is how we will make our way to the Divine Human, one heart-filled choice at a time.

Let horse be your companion on this most sacred passage, lifting you into your greatness, where your Light can be a beacon for all of humanity to find it’s way Home!

Join the Magic! Spaces limited.
Grab your ticket now at

Aug 13th 2011, Littleton, CO, 6-9 pm, $20 includes dinner

Your Full Moon Journey is facilitated by:

Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D., Relatinship Psychologist, Reiki Master, and Equine-Inspired Healer
Jackie Ashley, MA, Somatic Psychotherapist, Creative Arts Therapist, and Equine Psychotherapist

With Special Guests

Jen Tomas of Silver Owl Healing Arts,
James Galusha of Holographic Love Ministries, and
Rebecca Hilton, Celtic songstress and yoga instructor

Ready to be touched by the Heart of Horse?
Join in the Festival- Sat or Sun Aug 13 or 14,
right before the full moon event.

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